Join Weston, Molly, and a bottle of wine as we use iconic teaching moments from movies and television as a vehicle to reflect on instructional practice. We invite you to laugh, agree or disagree, and work toward discovering exactly who you are and where you stand as an educator.

A simple, five-point roadmap for capturing student engagement in the first moments of class sustaining it all the way to the last.
What Educators Are Saying!
Kieschnick provides your essential roadmap for building relationships, all in the pursuit of what education is really about - the development of the whole person.
Daniel Pink
NY Times Bestselling Author of When, Drive, and A Whole New Mind
Weston Kieschnick has provided us a masterful work on how we can all break bold to build and sustain relationships with students to improve their educational experiences and outcomes.
Dr. Tyrone Howard
Professor of Education and Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion Graduate School of Education UCLA
We know so much about the optimal learning strategies that students can be taught to make major differences to their enjoyment, involvement, motivation, and outcomes. But there are few teacher-friendly resources that bring these ideas into one place. Weston Kieschnick, in Bold School, provides this resource.
John Hattie
Laureate Professor | The University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education | Author of Visible Learning
Kieschnick offers a clear path to developing the positive relationships that underpin student engagement and academic success. Weston reignites the passion behind why most educators enter their field - to nurture the spark within each young learner through authentic, personal connections.
Dr. Stephanie M. Jones
Professor in Early Childhood Development | Director of the EASEL Lab Harvard Graduate School of Education